An accessible website is a site that allows people with disabilities and older individuals to browse at the same level of efficiency and enjoyment as all users. About 20 to 25 percent of the population encounters difficulties using the internet and may benefit from more accessible internet content, according to a 2003 study conducted by Microsoft.

OPC Energy believes in and works towards equal opportunities in the online space for individuals with diverse disabilities and/or those that may benefit from assistive technologies for computer use.

Accessible Site Symbol

The “Accessible Site” symbol is an initiative of the “Access Israel” association and the Israel Internet Association. The symbol is placed on sites that have undergone necessary adjustments to make them accessible to people with disabilities. The purpose of displaying the symbol is to promote public awareness of internet accessibility and inform site visitors about its accessibility level.

Site Accessibility

This site complies with the requirements of the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (Accessibility Adjustments to Services) 2013. The site meets the recommendations of the Standards Institution of Israel (IS 5568) for internet content accessibility at the AA level as well as recommendations of W3C WCAG2.0. Additionally, it has been adapted for display on popular browsers and for use on mobile phones.

Corrections Implemented

Meticulous accessibility adjustments have been made on the site, including, among others, semantic and informative implementation for assistive technologies, implementation of keyboard-only navigation and operation conforming to ISO W3C recommendations, color adjustments, and the incorporation of help tags and instructions in forms in favor of all visitors. Additionally, to receive an optimal browsing experience with a screen reading program, we recommend using the latest version of NVDA.

Some of the Things Done on the Site

We have added an accessibility assistive component adapted for WordPress systems (link to component site –

Component allows control over font sizes, block bypassing, instructive texts for screen readers like NVDA and JAWS, keyboard navigation to facilitate mouse-free browsing, adjustments for site browsing compatibility with NVDA and JAWS screen readers, comfortable site viewing in shades of black/white or contrasting color schemes, blocking of animations and any site component in motion, highlighting links.

To enjoy an enhanced screen reading experience, we recommend using the latest version of NVDA screen reader.

It must be noted that despite our efforts to make accessible all site pages, attached files (e.g. PDF, Word, Excel), the internal management system and video files are still being made accessible and we are working to bring them to completion.

In case you need a document that appears on the site and is not yet accessible, please contact us with a link to the location, and we will address it speedily.

If you encountered a page or component that is not accessible on the site, please contact us and we will address this as soon as possible.

Contact us

If you encountered any accessibility issues while visiting the site, please report them to us, and we will address them as soon as possible.

Accessibility Coordinator Details

Name: Ido Mendelssohn

Phone: 073-2505694

Email:  [email protected]

מהנדס.ת אחזקה לתחנת הכח בחדרה

תיאור משרה

לתחנת הכח של OPC בחדרה דרוש.ה מהנדס.ת אחזקה. התפקיד כולל אחראיות לכשירות הטכנית של ציוד הנדסי וציוד מכאני חיוני של התחנה.

תחומי אחריות

  • תכנון והוצאה לפועל של אחזקה מונעת, שבר וחזוייה
  • אפיון וקביעה רמות מלאי וזמינות חלקי חילוף
  • ניהול וביצוע תעוד ובקרה מכנית.
  • תזמון בדיקות רגולטוריות לשמירה והקפדה על נושאי בטיחות ועמידה בדרישות החוק.
  • סיוע טכני והנדסי לתחנה ופתרון בעיות הנדסיות בתחנה
  • זיהוי ומתן פתרונות לטיפול בכשלים / תחקור כשלים
  • ביצוע פרוצדורות הנדסיות ועדכון סטנדרטים
  • הכנת דוחות חודשים
  • תכנון והוצאה לפועל של פרויקטים ו CAPEX

דרישות המשרה

  • תואר בהנדסת מכונות
  • עד 5 שנות ניסיון כמהנדס.ת בצוות אחזקה במפעל תהליכי
  • הכרת סביבת מחשוב WINDOWS וישומי OFFICE – חובה
  • הבנה תהליכית – יתרון
  • ידע בניהול אחזקה במערכות EAM (ידע ב-SAP יתרון)
  • אנגלית ברמה גבוהה
  • העבודה היא בימים א’-ה’ 7:00-16:00 ונדרשת זמינות לקריאות לתקלות 24/7

**המשרה מיועדת לגברים ולנשים כאחד**